Resource Bank
Languages: English, Wolastoqey
Languages: French, English, Wolastoqey
Words from the Crow Clan is a Wolastoqey dictionary from the Tremblay family of Neqotkuk, led by Roseanne Clarke. It includes over 20,000 terms and expressions in Wolastoqey, accompanied by audio recordings made by the ten siblings, all native speakers.
Languages: English, Wolastoqey
Languages: English, Wolastoqey
The Kehkimin (Teach Me) Immersion School opened in September 2022. Located in the Fredericton (N.B.) area, it is the very first Wolastoqey immersion school. The preferred educational approach is inspired by the territory and the experience of the territory by the students. The site offers a downloadable lesson plan suitable for students in kindergarten through fourth grade. Each lesson is accompanied by an audio recording in Wolastoqey.
Languages: English, Wolastoqey
Based in Fredericton (NB), St. Thomas University offers a two-year university program to learn Wolastoqey, primarily through immersive courses, while also developing skills to teach the language to learners in various contexts.
Languages: English, Wolastoqey
SayItFirst Inc. brings together several projects aimed at leveraging technological resources for the linguistic revitalization of Indigenous languages. The website features, among other things, a series of illustrated children’s books translated into various Indigenous languages, including Wolastoqey, and read by native speakers. The text is presented in both English and the chosen Indigenous language, accompanied by a simplified phonetic system to approximate the sounds.