FRANÇAIS Resource Bank The dynamism of a language is the result of a collective effort. These resources on the Wolastoqey language and initiatives for its revitalization are valuable tools for learning the language. To bring a resource or initiative to our attention, write to us at . PMPortal The Passamaquoddy-Maliseet Language Portal is the result […]
FRANÇAIS Team Members Research Team Indigenous Expertise Indigenous Advisory Committee Assistants Pénélope Cormier Team Coordinator Pénélope Cormier holds a Ph.D. in literary studies and is a professor at the Université de Moncton’s Edmundston campus where she specializes in Acadian and minority studies. A settler from Moncton, she has lived in Kapskuhsisok (Edmundston, N.B.) since 2012; she […]
FRANÇAIS Project Presentation The projects undertaken by SQOTESOL are part of the resistance movements of linguistic revitalization and the cultural resurgence of the Wolastoqiyik. Linguistic revitalization is a set of linguistic and sociological processes that affect the use of a language in such a way as to re-establish a more equal relationship between groups of […]
FRANÇAIS Welcome! SQOTESOL is a participatory action-research team at the Université de Moncton, campus d’Edmundston, established in 2020. The sqotesol (meaning “embers” or “live coals” in Wolastoqey) call attention to the need, or even the urgency, to act in order to prevent loss. But it also reminds us of the possibilities: “A single ember is […]